Check Your Smoke Alarms Over Christmas

Are you going to check your smoke alarms over Christmas? Everyone has heard the stories about how Christmas can cause a fire hazard in homes, there have been a lot of news articles warning us about the dangers, and telling us how to avoid a fire starting. But the best...

5 Ways To Keep Pests Out Of Your Home

Household pests are a common feature of Queensland life. Not all pests are destructive, but they’re still not something that you want in your home. That’s why we’ve put together some of our best ways to keep pests out of your home. The term pest covers a range of...

Low-Maintenance Plants For A Subtropical Garden

Bougainvillea This gorgeous and vibrantly coloured plant is great for both ground cover or as a climber. They are a great option as they are beautiful and hardy, meaning they don’t require much maintenance. However, to get the best flowers make sure to place your...